Saturday, May 16, 2009


My first Shabbat here in the Holy Land. This is taken from one of the balconies of the center. Quite the view, isn't it. I get to see this almost constantly every day. I am still amazed I am actually here. Sometimes it still seems unreal. Luckily I still have some time- I don't know how people can come and only stay a few weeks. We've been here almost three weeks now, and there is still so much I want to do and see.

El Kerim

El Kerim- Well at least something like that. I can never remember what the real name is. About a week and a half ago we went to this city up in the mountains. It was where John the Baptist was born, and it was beautiful. Here we have Lisa and myself posing in a beautiful little courtyard of one of the churches. I loved the arches here. This whole area was super pretty. Some of us went for a hike up in the mountains where we got to see the whole city. The view was amazing. We had a lot of fun taking pictures on some big rocks that were on top of the mountain.

The Garden Tomb

After a most fantastic Sacrament Meeting and rest of church meetings, we as a group went to the Garden Tomb. All those who have been there before know the enterance is just outside the Old City wall. Outside of the tomb cars are zooming all over, sirens are going off, but inside the gate as you walk into the garden-alll of the noise fades away. Inside is a beautiful garden and the tomb where it is believed our Savior once laid. This day was amazing. I still am in awe that I actually got to be there-go inside-and touch the stone of the tomb where Christ rose from the dead. I hope I never forget the experience I had this day.